Romance Book Reviews

I've only just gotten into Romance books that are fully dedicated to the romance, but I've been reading erotica works for years! I'm not an uber prolific reader of works over a certain page count, however. I only get through about a handful of books a year.

So, to highlight the books I have read, I write reviews and post them on here. Some of them are great, but some of them aren't great either, and I make sure to label those reviews as such for your reading pleasure!

This year I'm attempting to read 12 Romance or Erotica books over the course of 2024, where I'll be writing a review for every one I complete.

So if you've checked out my Romance 2024 Challenge page, you'll find some repeats here.

My reviews are listed in chronological order of when I read the books, and the ranking list is based on my preferences.

My rankings are: I Love It/Pretty Good/A Good Read/Eh, It's Readable/Absolutely Not

  1. Title (Author)

TITLE - By AUTHOR (Published XXXX) Discussion
Rating: I Love It/Pretty Good/A Good Read/Eh, It's Readable/Absolutely Not