Biology 101 (14th Nov 2023)
Property: Trigun (98 & Stampede)
Rating: Erotica
Relationships: Vash The Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Characters: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Tags: First Time, Alien Biology, Bisexual Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Nicholas D. Wolfwood is Good at Cunnilingus, Top Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Bottom Vash the Stampede, Tentacle Sex, Ken Doll Anatomy, belly button, Kissing, Laughter During Sex, Navel Kink
Summary: Wolfwood encounters something unexpected when he finally get's into Vash's pants, but nothing is going to stop that man from rocking Vash's whole world.
Word Count: 4,715
Oneshot/Chapters: Oneshot

Fucking in the middle of nowhere was hard.

The dunes themselves were comfy enough to sleep on, for Wolfwood's tastes. The fading warmth from the sun that the sand soaked up was always there to warm up his back, and it was easy for him to wriggle into that sand until it perfectly conformed to his body. The only flaw with the dunes was the sand that always found it's way into every crease between fabric and skin after he slept, but it's not like Wolfwood didn't need to do that after every couple of hours anyway while he was awake, especially if the wind had picked up during the day. It wasn't like it ever got too cold at night either, except in those few months of the year when the darkness inexplicably meant freezing temperatures, that Wolfwood wouldn't thaw from till mid-morning.

But fucking? The devil's tango? Sex? People who fucked on sand were a kind of crazy that even Wolfwood couldn't dance with. He had certainly imagined it, planned out the perfect circumstances to where he could just sweep someone on their feet right then and there. A car with a big enough backseat, or some kind of portable flat surface like a tarp to lay on the ground. But Wolfwood had found in his actual experience, rather than his practical fantasies, that the closer you were to sand the more likely it was to get in someone's holes, and that wasn't good for anyone.

Wolfwood was so glad that Vash seemed to be on the same page. They had been dancing around the tension between them for weeks, until the two of them had reached their limit.

Wolfwood's memory of the tipping point was vague though, he was riddled with adrenaline and more during the moment, but one of them had crashed their lips into the other immediately post an extravagant gunfight with a gang of bounty hunters. Vash had been in a similar state when it had happened, and so neither of them were sure who exactly kissed first. Wolfwood was sure that Vash had been the one to kiss him, had gripped at his suit jacket and pulled him in for a moment of fireworks. But Vash was adamant that Wolfwood had initiated first, that he had dipped him like a tango dancer and kissed him senseless, only after Vash had impressed him with a cool trick shot. Wolfwood was trusting his own memory more about that, but he wasn't going to deny that whoever had started it had opened some kind of door.

Now every night since, he and Vash would make out until exhaustion hit or someone got too close to opening their pants. They slept touching, shoulder to shoulder when it was still warm, and then cuddling up to each other fully when it got cold enough at night. Vash would even hold his empty hand when they walked, even if the leather of Vash's glove made Wolfwood's palm sweaty.

Vash was being cute, adorable even, and Wolfwood wanted to fuck him senseless on a surface that wasn't covered in sand.

So, the next town they arrived at had been a godsend. It was small, with a working well, and most of the inhabitants didn't seem hungry for a potential bounty that Vash carried on his head. Even better, it was a large enough town to have an inn with rooms, but out of the way enough that it was cheap as all hell to stay for a few nights. The older woman who ran the place was just happy to have outsiders at all visiting, and free water came with the room as a result. It was the best jackpot Wolfwood had won in years.

Their dinner cut through what money they had saved on their cheap room, but Vash and he ate like kings after going hungry for the better part of a week. Vash had beamed at him throughout the whole meal, face stuffed full and crumbs falling from his cheeks, kicking Wolfwood in the shins the entire time they ate. Wolfwood didn't even bother containing his own smile, riding on Vash's infectious high. It was only after their plates were completely empty and both of them had gotten through the side dishes they had ordered on top, did Wolfwood stumble from the table and drag Vash to their room.

As soon as the door closed behind the two of them, Vash's back was pressed into the wooden slab. Neither Wolfwood or Vash bothered with any preamble, pent up as they were from weeks of touching and flirting and shoving their tongues down each other's mouths. Instantly they fell back to it, like they were miles away from civilization again and there was nothing better to do in the twilight but make out. Wolfwood's rapidly declining brain cell count only managed to put down his Punisher by the door before both his hands followed what his mouth was doing, and he went to grope at Vash with abandon. Undoing buttons, pulling at fabric, getting Vash's coat off him and thrown on some flat surface nearby to feel him up properly.

Vash was doing the same to Wolfwood, though it certainly wasn't that much of a task for Vash. Wolfwood knew he kept one too many buttons undone, but showing off usually helped rather than hindered him in his day to day. Nor was he wearing clothes that had a million buttons and straps attached to it. Only when he felt the cool touch of ambient air on his bare back, and could feel the touch of Vash's scared chest against his own, did Wolfwood's fever for Vash's mouth calm down for him to think.

"C'mon handsome, bed," Wolfwood directs.

Wolfwood haphazardly picks him up, hands just under the seat of Vash's pants to lift him weightlessly, but Wolfwood's sense of balance is off by the sheer lack of oxygen not swimming in his bloodstream. He swivels, and thank god the bed is only a few big steps away for Wolfwood to dump Vash down onto. Vash giggles at the manhandling, the sound and picture of it worming into some part of Wolfwood's heart that he doesn't want to look at right now however. He's got a hot blonde in a bed to think about that has all his focus.

They immediately go back to kissing, as soon as Wolfwood follows Vash and joins him on the bed. They're slower this time, both of them focused on savoring this experience. Vash's hands end up in Wolfwood's hair, down the back of his neck, one hand ends up at one of his tits to squeeze and massage while the other is on his shoulder for balance. Wolfwood in turn is petting Vash's sides, feeling every bump that scar tissue and healed injuries have made over the years on Vash's torso. He also manhandles Vash again with his hands, moving him a little higher up on the bed. He shoves a knee into Vash's crotch for him to grind against once he's settled in the new spot, and Wolfwood takes advantage of the change in angle to kiss Vash deeper.

It's difficult to think anything complex when he's kissing Vash this much, or think about anything at all, but he's done this kind of rodeo enough to pick up on tactile clues. Wolfwood can't feel a bulge through the thin fabric of his own pants, and he knows Vash's pants aren't thick enough to be hiding something like a cock either. That gives Wolfwood an expectation at least on what buttons to press to get Vash moaning, gives him a confirmation that he and Vash are dealing with different equipment. Wolfwood is now even more than glad that they had waited till they had found a space where the floor wasn't sand to go anything further between the two of them, for Vash's benefit.

Vash's hands are moving again, pulling away from where one handprint feels like it's burned into Wolfwood's skin on his chest, and his other prosthetic hand's cool touch had made an oasis of relief onto his shoulder. Both of Vash's hands are suddenly at Wolfwood's belt, and he can take the hint on what he wants. Vash has had a head start, but Wolfwood's quick to bring his hands down to Vash's hips on his next down stroke of touching, reaching for his belt. Their mouths disconnect as Wolfwood rightens himself for leverage, to tackle at whats left of Vash's clothes, and to help Vash pull down what he's already unbuttoned and unzipped on him personally.

A squeak comes from Vash as Wolfwood pops a button on Vash's pants, and he stops going any further. When he looks up at him, Vash locks eyes with him. For a moment he looks surprised, until he apparently remembers something and his face crinkles into an awkward smile that comes with a matching laugh. Wolfwood doesn't move, his hands still gripping the top parts of Vash's pants ready to keep going, but only until Vash has spoken.

"Uh... You don't have to, Nico. A lot of people don't bother, they don't usually like what they find," Vash admits, prosthetic hand coming up to tug at his hair in a fidget.

Wolfwood is shell shocked for a moment. It sounds incomprehensible to him to not have an interest in what Vash is packing in his pants, let alone to write it off like an inconvenience. Which leads Wolfwood's mind to think about the kind of people Vash must have fooled around with, anger at why people might not have bothered with his pleasure bleeding through his tone when he replies, "What, sorry? They don't bother taking your pants off?"

"Oh! No, I usually just use my mouth or hands on them." Vash explains, like what he's saying is routine and normal to him, "I don't really get touched back."

"Jesus Christ, Vash." Wolfwood can't help bringing a hand up to wipe at his face, as though he can physically move the look of horror he knows he must be sporting right now off. It wouldn't be nice to ruin whatever good memories Vash has of old flings to tell him that it's not normal for his partners to not bother with him, so Wolfwood takes a deep breath before moving his hand back down, and setting things right, "Okay, from now on tonight you aren't gonna put your mouth on my dick, or anywhere else for that matter. Except my mouth, alright?"

"But Nicholas," comes from Vash's mouth in a whine, like a kid whose been denied something from a shopping trip and begging their parent to reconsider their pleas. Wolfwood still feels a little off-kilter with that bombshell Vash just admitted to, but he dips to peck at that whining mouth anyway, and that leads Vash to giggle while Wolfwood's muscles relax.

Things seemed to have returned back to their original energy, with Vash looking him with an uncomplicated joy and horniness that Wolfwood can feel himself mirroring back once again. So Wolfwood moves back to his previous position that gave him leverage against Vash's wardrobe, and pulls down Vash's pants far enough to get a look at him.

And there's... Nothing. No configuration of junk that Wolfwood's ever encountered before, at all. No cock or cunt. Nothing that's grown or shrunk from genetics, or an accident, or any medicine. There's literally nothing in between Vash's legs, just a strip of uninterrupted skin, that clearly just keeps whatever bones and guts Vash has in place.

Wolfwood is maybe staring at his crotch, a little dumbfounded.

"It's okay if you don't like it! I can just put my pants back on Nico!" Vash reassures him very quickly, almost instantly.

"Hey, don't put words in my mouth Vash." Wolfwood interrupts him, the fabric of his pants still in hands, as he looks directly at the nothing he's determined to work with for Vash's pleasure. "I'm thinking on how to figure this out"

It's a long silence before Vash says anything, looking up and down from Wolfwood's face and his own crotch, before he asks with a small voice, "Figure this out?"

"Yeah. You got any tips for me, Mr Stampede?" Wolfwood punctuates the question with a curious hand, letting go of Vash's pants to brush his fingertips along the strip of skin in between his legs, hoping to gleam some kind of insight.

Vash doesn't react to the touch, at least not how most people would if Wolfwood touched them in the same area. So he's learned something at least, while waiting for Vash to help him out. Instead of giving him pointers verbally, the man underneath him wiggles and shoves his hands down to get his pants off the rest of the way, and Wolfwood helps till Vash is completely naked underneath him.

Vash's hands come back to rest at his own navel, fingertips playing against his belly for a moment before answering Wolfwood, "So, uh, you know I'm a plant. But independents look more like humans than regular plants. We have a similar skeleton, but that's about it. For a plant, everything at about my hips down are like..." Vash looks down at himself, thinking on the right word before it comes to him, "-My roots!"

Wolfwood gives him an unconvinced look, "Your roots? Vash, you don't stay long enough in a place to settle roots"

"No! Not like that!" Vash playfully bats at Wolfwood's arm, and they both laugh at the joke before Vash continues, "Roots go find nutrients for you. For flora and plants, that means growing out to find it. My roots just run really fast to the nearest kitchen, it's the same thing!"

Wolfwood tries his hardest to contain the laugh bubbling up at Vash's description, but he's following along. This just has all taken a strange turn, but Vash seems to be in good spirits, and that's all that matters to Wolfwood. That, and getting Vash off, "Okay okay okay, hips down are your roots. Not involved in making you cum, right?"

"Right!" Vash confirms, "All the important bits are hips and higher."

Wolfwood ponders that new information for a moment, bringing his hands to Vash's hips for his own tactile reference. Plants did things really differently, that's clear to him now, but he's on a mission and Wolfwood tries the only angle he knows to hopefully get an answer he needs,"Okay. Sorry if this question seems off-topic, but it's how humans work. Where does, you know, the baby stuff happen then?"

"Well... I guess it's like humans." Vash just shrugs, "There's a hole, stuff goes in, baby comes out, it feels really nice to touch it and fill it."

Wolfwood nods. He feels like he's stumbling through sex education again, but that isn't all that far off from whats actually happening. You just don't plan to think about getting basic sex-ed again once you've gotten it once, and Wolfwood is apparently working with a brand new species of sexual delights.

But what he's learned is that there is a hole. Wolfwood knows how to work a hole, even if it's so alien to him that he can't place it on a living and breathing, perfect, specimen right away. Vash is naked under his curious hands, under display to his now roaming eyes. He doesn't go further than his navel, cause Vash just told him that's not how his body works, but he is looking for his target.

He just can't see it. Vash looks so normal to him, underneath him, under his hands. There's nothing jumping out at him that looks like it's a secret orifice for him to make Vash squirm and scream. He's marred with scars and pockets of missing tissue where skin has grown over. Maybe one of them isn't from an injury? Maybe Vash came with that before he earned every other mark on his body? Wolfwood doesn't want to - Wait.

"Vash... Is it your belly button?" Wolfwood accusingly asks him.

Vash looks bashful, but he jumps to throw in, "If it's too weird you don't have to do anything!"

"Nuh uh!" Wolfwood throws back at Vash childishly, instantly not backing down to Vash wanting to bend for his convenience.

And then he dives down to peck at the man's belly button. The muscles in Vash's belly twitch and jump at the touch, Wolfwood can feel it against his lips. He tips his head up a little so he can look at him, and Vash is looking right at him again in turn. He's shocked, but it's not the fearful surprise and recognition that plagued Vash's face from before. He looks hungry, waiting to see what Wolfwood does next, and Wolfwood doesn't want to disappoint.

He tips his head back down, shuffles his lower half so that he's not so bunched up over Vash's legs, Wolfwood's back at a more comfortable angle as he pecks small kisses around Vash's belly button. Then, he dips the tip of his tongue shallowly into the depression. Wolfwood hears the small gasp coming from Vash, and Vash's hands move to hold his head by his hair.

Knowing that Vash can lift his head off him at any time now, Wolfwood decides to throw everything into this. He licks around the edge, along the flesh of his stomach around the hole that's been changed with long healed injuries. Then he starts tonguing his belly button, the tip of his tongue going further and further down with each pass Wolfwood does.

It's not too dissimilar to eating out someone's cunt, or their ass, and Wolfwood's skills transfer pretty well despite the difference. Vash is gasping and stuttering his breaths at the head of the bed, his hands kneading at Wolfwood's scalp like a pleased cat. His legs squirm underneath him the longer he goes, until Vash nearly bucks him off and his legs wrap around Wolfwood's middle in order to keep him exactly where he is.

Wolfwood starts using his hands to keep Vash still enough for him to work, gripping onto his hips, pulling taut the skin on his stomach with his thumbs in order to expose his belly button further. He dives right back in, going even deeper, the hole opening up to resemble something closer to an orifice that one could use in the human version sex. Vash finally opening up enough to where a slickness is coming from inside him to aid in the slide of movement, instead of just the sheer power of Wolfwood's saliva. It doesn't particularly taste like anything to Wolfwood's taste buds, but it's certainly slippery, and doing it's job.

Wolfwood's mouth now completely covers Vash's belly button, tongue as far as he can go into the hole, the muscle fully extended. He's opened the man up significantly, and he's tempted to stick a finger or two to follow his tongue, see if he can scissor him open even further.

Something bumps at the tip of Wolfwood's tongue however, startling him. He was sure it was wasn't there before when he last dipped his tongue as far as it could go, and as he instinctively pulls away, whatever he bumped into follows him. He can feel it unfurling in the tight space, and then he feels it wrapping around his tongue. Whatever it is, it's smooth, and yet somehow has a good grip on him as he gingerly pulls away from Vash. Wolfwood gets to about an inch of distance from his lips and Vash's stomach, tongue being held on by some kind of tendril that's comes from the depths of Vash, that he can't see because of the angle.

When Wolfwood looks up at Vash, tongue tied and unable to ask what the hell is going on, he doesn't find the man startled like he is. Vash isn't even looking at him anymore; he's trembling, head half thrown back, mouth open and face scrunched up. He looks like he's on the edge, and Wolfwood makes a decision.

He bobs his head, taking the tendril wrapped around his tongue fully into his mouth. He's still watching Vash, taking in every change as he suckles on the tendril, bobbing his head on it like it's a cock. It doesn't take much more than that before Vash goes fully taut underneath him, hips bucking once again to shove the tendril further into his mouth, and Wolfwood takes it as he watches Vash cum.

When Vash comes down from his high, his tendril detaches itself from Wolfwood's mouth, pulling back into his hole till only the tiny tip is poking out of him. Wolfwood takes his eyes off Vash's face just to watch it, insanely curious, before he flicks his head back up to Vash's face.

"Wow," is all Vash says to him, between trying to catch his breath.

"I take it that it was good?" Wolfwood teases. He's grinning like the cat that got the cream, half his face wet from his own saliva and whatever was leaking from Vash.

Vash just nods his answer to him, seemingly boneless. Wolfwood chuckles at him, sinfully proud that he managed to do that to Vash on his first try, especially with an unfamiliar playing field. He doesn't stop touching him however, keeping his petting light as his slides his hands up and down Vash's sides again. Comforting him while he comes down from his all-natural high.

Vash's hands catch his own on a down stroke, clasping onto them. Wolfwood of course stills, lets Vash just hold his hands for a few moments, whatever he needed Wolfwood was more than willing to provide. Vash's thumbs start to stroke Wolfwood's hands, before he pulls them up towards his collarbone, directing Wolfwood to look straight into his seductive doe eyes, "Do you... Do you want to fuck me?"

"Darling, I think I just did." Wolfwood purrs automatically, moving up to peck at Vash's mouth to physically punctuate his sentence.

Vash blushes and giggles at the whole display, his uncontainable smile giving away his sultry seduction attempt, and so he looks away from Wolfwood for a moment to gain some composure before he asks again, "No no. I mean, with your dick. Do you want to fuck me?"

Wolfwood doesn't immediately answer, but his eyes do enough talking for him. He can't help looking at Vash's face blankly, and then down to his belly button, that doesn't look at all big enough to take when he has packing, and then back up to Vash.

Vash giggles at him again, before he reassures Wolfwood with, "I can take you, I promise."

Wolfwood is... curious. Looking at Vash's belly button, his hole, he doesn't believe his dick is going to fit in there at all. But, if Vash wants it, who is Wolfwood to deny himself the experience of fucking someone not entirely human? Wolfwood doesn't accept the offer without a caveat though, "Alright, I'm not gonna say no. But Vash, you have to tell me if it's too much or I'm too big okay?"

Vash just nods in response, excitedly pulling up Wolfwood so he's in a better position, as soon as he's accepted his offer. It's a weird position for Wolfwood, his ass now laying on Vash's pelvic bone, higher than he would usually be if he intended to ride him. Then, Wolfwood has the spectacular view of watching Vash dip his organic fingers into his belly button, scissoring himself and stretching out his hole with his own fingers so that Wolfwood can fit.

Something in Wolfwood's system flips at the sight, suddenly and overwhelmingly horny over the display, despite how odd it looks to his human brain. It's both abnormal, and so recognizable to him as a partner fingering themselves open for him, that it feels like whatever neurons are firing inside Wolfwood's skull have made the correct connections between what he's seeing and what he understands. He can even see Vash's tendril staying in place, sticking to the wall of his hole, and it's not enough to throw him off again like when he first encountered it. This time it appears to stay out of the way of Vash's fingers, and where Wolfwood's dick is going to go.

Quicker than Wolfwood thought it would be, Vash is pushing on his ass with his free hand. Vash mutters encouragements under his breath as he pushes at Wolfwood, and keeps his hole open with his fingers so that Wolfwood can just slide right into him. Wolfwood takes the hints, and so slowly, so carefully, takes the plunge dick first.

Vash's fingers leave the situation, and Wolfwood is wrapped tightly in Vash's warmth. It's so tight, it's so warm, at the center of Vash's core. The tip of his dick is absolutely coated in whatever slick Vash produces inside him, and Wolfwood can feel him producing more of it, can feel it gushing up from his depths to coat him and making him slide even deeper.

He soon fills him completely, as down to the root of his dick as he can get. The angle is awkward, but it's the most pleasurable and weirdest sensation Wolfwood has ever had on his cock, and Vash is encouraging him to thrust by pushing on his hips. Wolfwood follows the orders, still going slow in case this is too much for Vash, but mainly because if he went any faster he'd blow his load instantly.

He's panting, he can feel his lungs breathing heavily in his chest more than he can actually feel the intake of oxygen to his bloodstream. He might even be moaning, Wolfwood can't really hear himself properly with his blood rushing from his brain to down lower. He's also so focused on Vash, looking for a sign of distress, just in case. But the man under him is panting just as hard as he is, trembling with what looks like another orgasm, and looking right back at him with an adoration that Wolfwood doesn't think anyone has ever looked at him with before.

And then the tendril starts moving. Wolfwood stutters his hips because of it, startled by the movement, but then gingerly starts his thrusts again. It's moving along the underside of his cock, teasing him along a vein that Wolfwood is sure a skilled tongue could get him to cum off of alone. Then it wraps around him, and squeezes him, all the way from root to tip, like it's milking him.

It's too much, it's too perfect. Wolfwood can't help that he thrusts hard as he cums, his body following the movement of the tendril as though it's pulling him further into Vash. He collapses on top of him, his own body shaking against Vash's, and somewhere in Wolfwood's hind brain he computes that they both must have just reached their peaks.

They're both breathing hard, against each other, sweaty skin sticking to sweaty skin. Vash has reached up to have a hand in his hair, petting Wolfwood's sweat-damp mop, as they both calm down. Wolfwood can't feel the tendril on him anymore, so he gently pushes himself off Vash when he's recovered enough energy to even try, using a push-up motion to do so.

There is a disgustingly wet sound as Wolfwood extracts his dick from Vash's hole, but the grip of his belly button almost makes Wolfwood cum again from the oversensitivity. Wolfwood looks down, and Vash looks as normal as ever, belly button back to the size it was before they started all this, though wet from the clear slick Vash made. Wolfwood can't see any of his cum, either on Vash or himself, and he does mean to ask about that, but later. When his mind isn't completely fried and his bones have turned solid again.

Wolfwood just plops down next to Vash on the bed, and the blonde man turns over to lie on him like he's a big pillow. Wolfwood doesn't hesitate to wrap him in his arms, and then practically falls asleep with Vash as his teddy bear immediately, thoughts of a bath or shower on his mind for first thing when he wakes up. But after he wakes up.